I love baby showers. There is something so sweet about those cute little onesies and the eager anticipation of a new life to love.

Some of my favorite baby shower games
- My water broke...everyone gets a beverage on arrival. In the drink is an ice cube with a plastic baby inside (obviously don't give these to small children) The goal is to get the baby out without "crunching" the ice. The first one to reveal their "baby" yells "my water broke" It's particularly entertaining at co-ed showers
- "Guess the Product"...the host fills a baby bag with" baby things". Some suggestions are a diaper pin, breast pads, baby theme confetti, bottle etc. A few should be easy and a few more obscure. Give each guest a piece of a paper and 30 seconds to feel inside the bag without looking. After she feels she writes everything she can think of for 30 more seconds and passes the bag to the next guest and her paper to the host. Everyone should get the same amount of time to both feel the items and to write. When everyone has had a turn read them aloud. You'll get some pretty funny responses