Sunday, February 10, 2008

Who Invented Confetti?

Confetti was actually first used in Paris...France that is...
in 1891

Someone was taking down the decorations after a party at a really big theatrical revue
called "le Casino de Paris"

They decided to cut up the decorations and drop them on the guests the next evening.

No one had seen Confetti before and were enthralled to the point of giddiness.

The next day, Newspapers in Paris, enthused about the "Renaissance of French Gayety"

Within 4 Years Confetti was being made by machine and being sold all over the world

How do I know...I collect everything I can about Confetti

The cover of the "Scientific American" Magazine...of which I have a copy...has a picture of the first Confetti machine.
It was such a big deal that it was the cover story. The picture, actually a pen and ink sketch, was done by the famous artist Louis Malteste. He wasn't famous yet but became famous within a few years for his "naughty" posters of Can Can dancers and ladies of the night.

Malteste, nickname Zig, was a friend and contemporary of Toulouse Latrec.

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